Certified Organic & 100% Natural Seaweed Powder {review}

Hello! I’ve been seeing a lot of seaweed products lately in the beauty area, so when InstaNatural offered to let me try the seaweed powder, I was game for something new.

They shipped me this *large* jar of seaweed powder and I immediately looked to see just how I could use it. A spa treatment? In my own home? Yes please.

Seaweed Kelp Powder is an excellent way to improve skin tone and texture, with 100% natural and freshly harvested seaweed contains a high concentration of vitamins, minerals and iodine that remove impurities from your skin while relieving aches and pains.

Most commonly it can be used for a body wrap treatment to reduce the appearance of cellulite and create a slimming effect. By absorbing excess water and detoxifying the skin, our Seaweed Powder will help to make your body appear more toned, tightened and firmer. When used as a facial mask or scrub, the seaweed will extract toxins and tackle acne and other blemishes, leaving you with a softer and clearer complexion.

The idea of doing a body wrap treatment was a bit much for me, but I’m all over the facial stuff. I mixed it up and tried it as a mask several times and also as a scrub. I did add a bit of lavender oil to mask the (natural) odor of the seaweed; it’s really nice that the packaging also includes several recipes for treatments.

My skin definitely looks brighter and rejuvenated after I’ve used it as a mask or scrub – great stuff! This is a huge jar, so well worth the $$ because it will last a long time!

I received a free jar in exchange for an honest review.


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