Five favorite Pinterest-inspired projects

I have a friend on Facebook who laughs every time I post something I’ve recreated from Pinterest. She says that Pinterest is the place you go to pin stuff that you will never do. 🙂 I have found lots of great projects, though, and here are 5 of my favorites.

1. This was my first “I have to try that!” and it’s still one of my favorites. Easy, easy way to clean your sink disposal every day.  I often use grapefruit instead of lemon – it’s makes more cubes for less cost. Any citrus fruit should work, really.

2. This body lotion. It makes a LOT so my first batch I gave a few samples away to freinds/family – baby food jars work really well for that! My sister and a friend both asked for the ‘recipe’ and made some for themselves. Handy tip: if you want it scented, replace some of one of the lotions with a scented lotion. I didn’t use any baby lotion (that wasn’t the odor I was going for…) and used extra vitamin-e lotion.

3. DIY laundry detergent. I made a batch last January and honestly, I thought it was kind of expensive to make, though it did seem like a big batch. I spent $16 on ingredients and $3 for a large container (thrifted). It was our sole source of detergent for ELEVEN months (2 adults, 2 kids in our house). I think it would have lasted longer but we got hit with a round-robin of a stomach bug, so I was washing linens like nobody’s business in late November. I made a new batch right away! We have soft water and it works really well for us.

4.  Homemade ring cleaner. It was super easy and I can’t believe how much my rings sparkle now!

5.  This kid mitten/hat organizer idea. We have one of those corkboard/hook thingies (something kind of like this) and it was the perfect way to keep a few hats and mittens at the kid’s reach but keeps them off the floor.  The shower organizer I found has two hooks at the bottom, and we use them to hang the girls’ ballet shoes bags as well!

Linking up with Hallie at Moxie Wife for 5 Favorites!


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